








About the Program
Key-note speakers

Oral Presentations
Papers - 12min + 3min discussion
Key-notes - 30min

List of accepted abstracts


The limitation of natural disasters effects should be a major concern of the societies, for which should be directed the necessary efforts and resources, emphasizing the prediction and characterization of ground motions, as well the adequate performance of constructions in future earthquakes.

In this context, the next implementation of the new European regulation in the framework of structural design for seismic actions will raise interesting contributions in this area and the involvement of the technical community, especially the one related to construction.

The University of Aveiro promotes, in collaboration with the Portuguese Society of Earthquake Engineering, the 8th National Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering – SÍSMICA 2010, the triennial national meeting whose main objective is the dissemination of the progress made in the study of seismology and seismic engineering.



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